Landscape Maintenance

Regularly Scheduled Maintenance

Panache Landscape and Design offers two types of lawn & landscape maintenance service contracts, residential and commercial. While both types are available to either commercial or residential customers and offer virtually the same services, the commercial contract has a more frequent vistation schedule during certain months.


In addition to our normal maintenance services, we also offer the following extra maintenance services:
  • Re-Mulch Beds – Enhances the color of the beds and holds moisture in the soil as well as providing insulation during the winter months.  We recommend re-mulching every 12 to 18 months, depending on the type of mulch.
  • Aerate Lawn– Aerating penetrates the subsoil and enhances the growth of the lawn. It is an excellent service due to compaction of the soil in the drought of summer.
  • Compost Lawn – Source of fertilization by releasing micronutrients in the lawn.  Helps to fill in and level areas in the grass.
  • Color Change Out – Consider hanging pots or color change out in beds or pots.
  • Trim Trees – Removing ball moss, limbs off roof lines, and low hanging branches.
  • Winterize Lawn/Winter Rye Seed – Provides color in the fall and winter and fades out in March due to the warmer temperatures.
  • Fertilization – Due to the extreme drought, an extra lawn fertilization may be needed. Once a month customers do not have fertilization in the contract.
  • Water Bags for Trees – Due to the extreme drought, we are offering the installation of 20 gallon water bags on any trees to provide slow watering to the root system. Please call office for details.
  • Firewood – Round or split seasoned firewood. Available for pickup or delivery.